Studierende im Hörsaal

Prospective students with vocational qualifications

FAQ Prospective students with vocational qualifications

The university entrance examination can be taken by prospective students who fulfil the following requirements.
They have completed a vocational training of at least two years and have worked in a profession which does not correspond to the vocational training they completed for at least three years.
They would like to choose a degree course which does not match with their previous career track.

With regard to admission, bringing up minor children, caring for a relative and being the main responsible and independent head of a family household are treated as equivalent to being employed.

The entrance examination determines whether the applicant meets the subject-specific and methodological prerequisites for enrolling in the respective degree course.

The university entrance examination comprises two parts, a written and an oral examination.

The written examination covers the following school subjects: German, Mathematics and English. The oral examination focuses on topics, which might be relevant for the programme of your choice.

The three parts included in the written examination take 80 minutes each. The whole examination takes approximately four hours.

The oral examination lasts 30 minutes.

The examination is graded as passed if the examinee passed both the written and the oral examination. Students who failed the written examination will not be admitted to the oral examination.

Students pass the university entrance examination if both the written and the oral part are given at least the grade “passed” (4.0).

Students, who passed the university entrance examination, receive a certificate which allows them to take part in the selection process (internal university’s selection procedure, grade of the university entrance qualification, waiting time).

The university entrance examination takes place in the last week of April (beginning of the degree course in the winter semester) or in the last week of October (beginning of the degree course in summer semester).

Participants, who passed the written examination, are informed about the oral examination two weeks after receiving the results for the written examination at the latest.

The written examination is held on the premises of the SLI (building S, level 09). Information about the exact time and place are included in the invitation.

As preparation for the written examination, we provide sample examinations for the respective sections including solutions. You can do all exercises and assignments at home on the computer. There is also a list of references and useful web links we can send to you upon request.

Sample examinations for every part of the exam and a bibliography can be obtained from Annette John.