German Language Test for University Admission (DSH)

The DSH (German Language Test for University Admission) is a language examination for university admission.


When you participate in an intensive German language course, you have to pass the entrance examination at the end of the C1 course in order to be admitted to the DSH examination.

If you do not participate in the intensive German language course at the Language learning Institute, you need the admission to the chosen degree programme and must provide a C1 certificate or a certificate confirming an equivalent level of language skills.

The written DSH examination consists of four parts, each part covering one area of competencies, which are the following: listening comprehension, writing skills, reading comprehension and grammar knowledge. During the oral DSH examination, the examiners focus on the student’s oral skills.

Participants of the intensive German language courses visit the regular German courses and are provided with additional offers at level C1, e.g. supplementary courses on specific topics, propaedeutic courses and a DSH lecture.

Students who do not participate in the intensive German language courses but are admitted to the DSH examination (external participant) can visit the DSH lecture. 

The examination fee is 100 Euros for students who participated in a German language course at our university, and 150 Euros for applicants who did not complete a German language course at the University of Wuppertal.

Participants are allowed to take the DSH examination three times at the University of Wuppertal. All three parts (written and oral examination) must be repeated. Students should repeat the examination three times after the last attempt at the earliest.

Contact details


Gaußstraße 20

D-42119 Wuppertal

Email: audio[at]

Telephone: +49 2 02 439 5265 (only in the morning)

Telephone: +49 2 02 439 3304

Follow us on Instagram @sli_buw


Office hours

By telephone:

Mon - Thu: 09:00 am - 12:00 noon & 01:00 pm - 03:00 pm

Fri: 09:00 am - 12:00 noon

Personal appointments in room S.09.06:

Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

ZOOM meetings:

By appointment

via ajohn[at]

ID: 997 6879 8426

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